The other night at dinner Kapri threw her bowl of cottage cheese at me when she wanted to be done. I made her say she was sorry then had her repeat after me. "Im sorry mommy, please forgive me for being naughty!" "Amen" (just kidding around with the amen part) then she immediatly went into prayer. Kapri folded her little arms and started wispering things. Then when she was all done she said "Bye, ummm Amen" All I could do was laugh, how many times have we accidently said Bye instead of Amen for our prayers, and she did it too!!!! It was the cutest thing ever.
I almost refuse to pack Kapri on my back anymore when we go snowshoeing! Right as we are getting to the tuffest part of our climb/hike, it turns into Kapri's snack time! She taps on my head the Whole time left and says "Mommy cheeseburger?" "Mommy cheeseburger!" and if you don't answer her, i get "AND FRIES!" oh she has a mind of her own!